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Works From Home - A selection of artwork from members of the Kawartha Arts Network

WORKS FROM HOME - A selection of artwork from members of the Kawartha Arts Network
Members of the Kawartha Arts Network are thrilled to share with you their “pandemic produced creations” and appreciate the opportunity presented by the Kawartha Art Gallery for this exhibition.
 The world changed drastically in March of 2020, affecting all of us.  For KAN members, this meant galleries ceased to be open, teaching jobs dried up and many public exhibition opportunities disappeared.

KAN artists – like everyone else – were forced to pivot.  New opportunities in online shows, Zoom classes and increased focus on social media platforms took hold.  Fewer daily commitments and necessary excursions meant more time was available to produce, explore and develop artwork. 

“Works From Home” is a collection of artwork created during the last seven months.  This exhibition reflects art created from a variety of perspectives, with personal subject matter being explored in a variety of media.

If interested in purchasing a piece of artwork, please contact the artist via their email address.

October 5

Art + Nature: Our Environment in Images + Words

November 16

The Sound of Colour — Hanna Gowan