Works From Home Featured Artist - RoseMarie Condon



A lifelong fine artist, illustrator, graphic designer, art instructor, photographer and writer; RoseMarie’s studio is in Fenelon Falls near the wilderness and rural subjects that inspire her oil, acrylic or watercolour paintings. RoseMarie expresses her fascination for Canada’s unique and fragile ecology in her paintings, poetry and prose.
RoseMarie is a member and volunteer at the Kawartha Art Gallery, Kawartha Art Network, Signature member of Artists for Conservation, the Rails End Gallery, Algonquin Highlands Writers Circle and Poetry Nights in Fenelon Falls.



I have been writing a lot of poetry and prose throughout this unprecedented year of upheaval, uncertainty, personal loss and challenges. Though I have a couple of large canvasses on the go I have broken away and created a number of intuitive paintings in acrylic (and quite a number of illustrations for my grandson). I will no doubt remain a representational painter but I love to explore other avenues of expression

I wrote the following poem to express my angst at having to quarantine during the spring of 2020. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of limited teaching, exhibiting and curating opportunities that bring with them a much-needed camaraderie with fellow artists and creative people.


Isolation! Fourteen days! No en plein air where water plays.
No sketching, painting magic light. Anchored home both day and night.
I rant. I rage, I scream, I shout; but no one hears, I can’t go out!
Windows shut ‘gainst wind and cold, brushes dry, no canvas bold.
COVED-19 still holds sway, Coronavirus ruins my day.
I cannot see how water plays, or hear it crash these silent days.
O to settle beside a brook; Chick-a-dee-dee, chick-a-dee-dee.
Buds are popping. Pop. Pop. Pop. Coronavirus Stop. Stop. Stop!
What care I? I’ll bolt my door. I wait, I worry, I pace the floor.
Email missives cheer my soul. Texts abound. I set my goal!
Today will be a fruitful day. North light floods my easel.
Mozart’s here where he will stay; when I settle down to play.

Interested in knowing more about RoseMarie and her work or in purchasing a piece, please contact RoseMarie at


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