Works From Home Featured Artist - Sharon Myatt



Sharon began her career as a community college teacher for over 20 years. Sharon then switched to the non-profit sector for over 20 years and has been recognized by winning several international awards for initiatives that fell under her leadership, helping corporations and non-profit agencies develop strategic partnerships, and develop and implement innovative program models to increase inclusion of various groups under-represented in Canada’s workforce, including persons with disabilities, aboriginals, and street youth.

Sharon and her husband met on Catchacoma Lake when young teenagers and then married, have three children and now four grandchildren. They retired to their original cottage property ten years ago on Catchacoma Lake and now live in a custom lakeside home, Southern Comfort Manor, which she named her art studio after.



On Sharon’s Bucket List, since retiring, she wanted to further explore her passion for the arts and studied at the Haliburton School of Fine Arts and fell in love with acrylic mixed media and vintage glass window painting. She also has been taking lessons in guitar.

Interested in knowing more about Sharon and her work or in purchasing a piece, please contact Sharon at or at 705-657-3922


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