Works From Home Featured Artist - Elayne Windsor



I am a non-objective, collage artist from Reaboro, Ontario.

I have been creating collages for over 30 years. My first works were small black and white images. My years of exploration have led to large scale, colourful works that contain both found and purchased paper.

I am a recently retired elementary school teacher. Throughout my teaching career I pursued Art, seeing it as a valuable foundation for my teaching practice. My Art practice helped to develop creative problem solving, perseverance, flexibility, resilience, initiative, focus and risk taking- all of which informed my teaching.

As I approached retirement from teaching, and spurred on by friends, I showed my collage work publicly for the first time in 2015. A year later I made the move to a second career in Art. Since then my work has been shown in cities such as Toronto, Peterborough, Cobourg, Oakville, Halliburton and Lindsay. I have received several awards for my Art.



I am a non-objective, collage artist from Reaboro, Ontario.

My collages are often interpreted as painting from a distance, but as people move closer, they discovered that the work was created out of paper. Some viewers relate to a tiny fragment of paper contained within the piece, a piece which sparks a particular memory. Other viewers connect to the beauty of paper and the new life that it has been given.

My work contains paper that has been sourced from old books, maps, playing cards, sewing patterns, scrapbook material or the trash- basically I am always looking at paper and contemplating the life that is left in it after it has been abandoned. I am more interested in the quality of the paper than the images that are contained on the paper.

Paper speaks to the slow world in juxtaposition to our fast electronic world. Sometimes understanding the big picture means spreading it all out on the floor in front of you- crawling over the large paper map, slow nights playing cards around the table, the days of sending greeting cards through the mail or spending Saturday reading the newspaper. My work spreads these memories out in front of you.

You can read my full biography at:
See more of my work on Instagram: @elaynewindsor

Interested in knowing more about Elayne and her work or in purchasing a piece, please contact Elayne at


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