Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Shaylyn Henley
I’ve been isolated over the past 2 weeks, I took many photos of this birdhouse in my backyard for reference, and after fresh snowfall on a bright sunny morning, the perfect reference photo was snapped!

Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Haleigh Kimble-Mahoney
My take on the theme “Lovely, Lovely Winter” happens to focus on the not-so-lovely aspects of Winter. Although Winter is a season full of fun and beauty, for lots of people at times Winter can be a real mood killer to say the least.

Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Tisza Pal
Since we changed the age range of Art Warrior, there will be two winners of the theme Lovely, Lovely Winter. The first winner is Tisza Pal for the age range 15-19 years old. Here is her piece titled, “Streetlight 5:49”.
Introducing Art Warrior "Still Life" Winner Amber Armstrong
Hi there, my name is Amber Armstrong, I'm 16 years old, and I am submitting a photograph for the art warrior competition, my photograph is attached below. The title of my work is Interesting Sights and was completed on Tuesday, October 27th, 2020.