Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Tisza Pal

Since we changed the age range of Art Warrior, there will be two winners of the theme Lovely, Lovely Winter. The first winner is Tisza Pal for the age range 15-19 years old.

"Streetlight 5:49" is an exploration of the light and shadows in late winter evenings and how they stretch across freshly fallen snow. While days in winter may be composed of bright neutral tones, night brings with it a sharp contrast in blues and yellows, allowing for a richly saturated landscape. This particular scene focuses on the tangle of shadows created by a patch of trees along the Scugog river in Lindsay's Nayoro Park.”


Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Haleigh Kimble-Mahoney


Words while we wait - Call For Submissions