Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Haleigh Kimble-Mahoney

Work Title: A Winter Face 

Artist: Haleigh Kimble-Mahoney 

Canvas Size: 10” x 30” 

Medium: Digital Drawing 

Date Completed: 02/27/2021 

My take on the theme “Lovely, Lovely Winter” happens to focus on the not-so-lovely aspects of Winter. Although Winter is a season full of fun and beauty, for lots of people at times Winter can be a real mood killer to say the least. This is due to shorter daylight hours, less vitamin D, lower serotonin levels, and, this year in particular, the inability to see family and friends due to lockdown. In this piece I reflect the negative feelings associated with Winter through a digital line portrait featuring a cool Winter blue colour scheme.


Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Shaylyn Henley


Introducing Art Warrior "Lovely, Lovely Winter" Winner Tisza Pal