Jellyfish and Caterpillars - Art Adventures for Ages 5 to 7

Thanks for watching the first video in Kawartha Art Gallery's Art Adventures series. This is the first in a series of five videos aimed at leading children ages 5 to 7 in fun, at-home, crafts.


If you or your child made this craft, please email a picture to and include the child’s first name, age, and the title of the project so their art can be featured on our website and social media!

Below are lists of the materials required for each craft:

Paper Bowl JellyFish

  • A paper bowl

  • Tissue paper

  • White glue

  • Paint

  • Paint brush

  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • String

  • Paper clip

  • Googly eyes (optional)

Egg Carton Caterpillar

  • Egg carton

  • Scissors

  • Paint

  • White glue

  • Googly eyes

  • Pipe cleaners


Lemon Volcano - Art Adventures for Ages 11-13


Coddiwomple: Kayla Golden