Artist Spotlight - RoseMarie Condon

Submitted by RoseMarie Condon


RoseMarie Condon

RoseMarie Condon is a Professional Fine Artist, Illustrator, Art Instructor, Graphic & Structural Designer, Photographer and Writer. Born and educated in Toronto RoseMarie illustrated in art studios, eventually becoming a partner in one of Toronto’s largest studios all the while painting and exhibiting fine art throughout Ontario. Following this RoseMarie designed and illustrated award winning packaging systems, children’s activities, toys, games and puzzles for numerous multi-national corporations.

An avid wilderness traveler RoseMarie has rafted, canoed and camped throughout Canada’s provinces and territories. Coast to coast and throughout the High Arctic and Greenland she has adventured gathering inspiration, photographing, sketching, and painting en plein air wherever possible.

RoseMarie’s books ‘A Brush with Words’ and ‘A Brush with Wilderness’; focus on her photography, poetry, prose and paintings of Canada and Greenland; visually exploring the landscape, flora, fauna and people. RoseMarie illustrated the award-winning children’s books ‘The Canadian Shield Alphabet’ and ‘Terror on Turtle Creek’ as well as other books for children and adults. Her paintings are featured in the recently published ‘Artists of Kawartha’, her writing in Haliburton County Life.

WNAG, Worldwide Nature Artists Group – Signature Member
Kawartha Art Gallery, Permanent Collection & Curatorial Committee Member/Volunteer
KAN, Kawartha Arts Network, Lindsay ON, Member & Volunteer
The Rails End Gallery, Haliburton ON,
Algonquin Highlands Writers’ Circle

RoseMarie is Represented By:
John A. Libby Fine Art Toronto ON
Art of Traderhorn, Georgetown


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