
AI can infinitely increase our potential for great good but iHuman shows how it is already contributing towards total surveillance states and a distortion of truth.

AI can infinitely increase our potential for great good but iHuman shows how it is already contributing towards total surveillance states and a distortion of truth. The AI development is hurtling forward in a race between tech companies affiliated to the defence industry and algorithms in law enforcement enhancing existing biases. Will we allow the use of such powerful technology to open an unchecked Pandora s Box dictating our future?

iHuman is a cinematic journey that takes us to from the US, China and Europe and into our digital world, where animated computer graphics, from award-winning Theodor Groeneboom, visualize a polymorphous, self-developing structure with ever-greater autonomy guiding us forward.

iHuman is made for both theatrical and broadcast release. With strong character-driven stories and groundbreaking use of AI in the making of the film, iHuman is made to entertain and inlorm a wide international audience about the impact of the most powerful technology of our time.


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